XLiFE++ is an FEM-BEM C++ code developed by POEMS laboratory and IRMAR laboratory, that can solve 1D / 2D / 3D, scalar / vector, transient / stationnary / harmonic problems. It provides:
- Advanced mesh tools, with refinement methods, including an advanced interface to the mesh generator Gmsh
- High order Lagrange Finite Elements (every order)
- High order edge Finite Elements (every order)
- Boundary Elements methods: Laplace, Helmholtz, Maxwell, Stokes (in progress)
- Essential conditions (periodic, quasi-periodic)
- Absorbing conditions: DtN, PML, ...
- Export to visualization tools such as Gmsh, Paraview, Matlab
- Many solvers (direct solvers, iterative solvers, eigenvalue solvers, wrappers to Arpack, UmfPack and Eigen libraries)
From 2011 to 2014, its development has been supported by the SIMPOSIUM European Project
From 2015 to 2018, its development has been supported by the DGA/MRIS.