Time domain simulation of a piano. Part 1 : model description.
- Chabassier Juliette
- Chaigne Antoine
- Joly Patrick
DOI : 10.1051/m2an/2013136 -
Enhanced transmission through gratings: Structural and geometrical effects
- Maurel Agnès
- Félix Simon
- Mercier Jean-François
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevB.88.115416 -
Lipschitz stability estimate in the inverse Robin problem for the Stokes system
- Egloffe Anne-Claire
Calcul des singularités dans les méthodes d’équations intégrales variationnelles
- Salles Nicolas
Modeling and simulation of a grand piano
- Chabassier Juliette
- Joly Patrick
- Chaigne Antoine
DOI : 10.1121/1.4809649 -
FE heterogeneous multiscale method for long-time wave propagation
- Abdulle Assyr
- Grote Marcus J.
- Stohrer Christian
DOI : 10.1016/j.crma.2013.06.002 -
Seismic elastic modeling for seismic imaging
- Virieux Jean
- Brossier Romain
- Chaillat Stéphanie
- Duchkov A. D.
- Etienne Vincent
- Lombard Bruno
- Operto Stéphane
Parallel local time-stepping for elastodynamic equations
- Dudouit Yohann
- Giraud Luc
- Millot Florence
- Pernet Sebastien
Modeling the piano. Numerical Aspects.
- Chabassier Juliette
- Chaigne Antoine
- Duruflé Marc
- Joly Patrick
A rigorous approach to the propagation of electromagnetic waves in co-axial cables
- Beck Geoffrey
- Joly Patrick
- Imperiale Sébastien
Numerical modeling of nonlinear acoustic waves with fractional derivatives
- Lombard Bruno
- Mercier Jean-François
Modeling the grand piano
- Chaigne Antoine
- Chabassier Juliette
- Joly Patrick
Computation of leaky modes in three-dimensional open elastic waveguides
- Nguyen Khac-Long
- Treyssede Fabien
- Bonnet-Ben Dhia Anne-Sophie
- Hazard Christophe
Effective Transmission Conditions for Thin-Layer Transmission Problems in Elastodynamics
- Bonnet Marc
- Burel Aliénor
- Joly Patrick
Computation of Dispersion Curves in Elastic Waveguides of Arbitrary Cross-section embedded in Infinite Solid Media
- Nguyen Khac-Long
- Treyssede Fabien
- Bonnet-Ben Dhia Anne-Sophie
- Hazard Christophe
Model for Shock Wave Chaos
- Kasimov Aslan
- Faria Luiz
- Rosales Rodolfo
DOI : 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.104104 -
Topological derivative for qualitative inverse scattering
- Bellis Cédric
- Bonnet Marc
- Cakoni Fioralba
Radiation condition for a non-smooth interface between a dielectric and a metamaterial
- Bonnet-Ben Dhia Anne-Sophie
- Chesnel Lucas
- Claeys Xavier
An improved time domain linear sampling method for Robin and Neumann obstacles
- Haddar Houssem
- Lechleiter Armin
- Marmorat Simon
DOI : 10.1080/00036811.2013.772583 -
Qualitative identification of cracks using 3D transient elastodynamic topological derivative: formulation and FE implementation
- Bellis Cédric
- Bonnet Marc
DOI : 10.1016/j.cma.2012.10.006 -
Higher-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Pyramidal Elements using Orthogonal Bases
- Bergot Morgane
- Duruflé Marc
DOI : 10.1002/num.21703 -
Acoustic propagation in non-uniform waveguides: revisiting Webster equation using evanescent boundary modes
- Mercier Jean-François
- Maurel Agnès
DOI : 10.1098/rspa.2013.0186 -
On the use of the Linear Sampling Method to identify cracks in elastic waveguides
- Bourgeois Laurent
- Lunéville Éric
DOI : 10.1088/0266-5611/29/2/025017 -
Strongly oscillating singularities for the interior transmission eigenvalue problem
- Bonnet-Ben Dhia Anne-Sophie
- Chesnel Lucas
DOI : 10.1088/0266-5611/29/10/104004 -
Transparent boundary conditions for locally perturbed infinite hexagonal periodic media.
- Besse Christophe
- Coatleven Julien
- Fliss Sonia
- Lacroix-Violet Ingrid
- Ramdani Karim