Exact boundary conditions for periodic waveguides containing a local perturbation
- Joly Patrick
- Li Jing-Rebecca
- Fliss Sonia
Discontinuous Galerkin methods for Maxwell's equations in the time domain
- Cohen Gary
- Ferrieres Xavier
- Pernet Sébastien
DOI : 10.1016/j.crhy.2006.03.004 -
High Order Generalized Impedance Boundary Conditions in Electromagnetic Scattering Problems
- Duruflé Marc
- Haddar Houssem
- Joly Patrick
Etude d'un problème modèle pour la diffraction par des fils minces par développements asymptotiques raccordés Cas 2D
- Claeys Xavier
- Haddar Houssem
- Joly Patrick
Matching of asymptotic expansions for wave propagation in media with thin slots. I. The asymptotic expansion
- Joly Patrick
- Tordeux Sébastien
DOI : 10.1137/05064494X -
Perfectly matched layers for time-harmonic acoustics in the presence of a uniform flow
- Bécache Eliane
- Bonnet-Ben Dhia Anne-Sophie
- Legendre Guillaume
DOI : 10.1137/040617741 -
Asymptotic analysis of an approximate model for time harmonic waves in media with thin slots
- Joly Patrick
- Tordeux Sébastien
DOI : 10.1051/m2an:2006008 -
Computing reducing subspaces of a large linear matrix pencil
- Hechme Grace
- Nechepurenko Yuri.
DOI : 10.1515/156939806777320359 -
On the convergence of the fictitious domain method for wave equation problems
- Bécache Eliane
- Rodríguez J.
- Tsogka Chrysoula